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How is Panun Kashmir Feasible?

Kashmiri Hindus are in their eleventh year of exile after Islamic religious fundamentalists in thevalley of Kashmir took to armed subversion and terrorism and drove them out of their centuries oldhabitat.Panun Kashmir in its December 1991 convention Margdarshan, staged in the city of Jammu,introduced the Historic Homeland Resolution. It was unanimously adopted by more than a thousanddelegates of the exiled community, who flocked from all towns and cities, where they have takenrefuge, and who represented diverse shades of opinion. The operative part of the resolutiondemanded:· the establishment of a Homeland for the Kashmiri Hindus in the Valley of Kashmircomprising the regions of the Valley to the East and North of river Jhelum.· that the Constitution of India be made applicable in letter and spirit in this Homeland in orderto ensure right to life, liberty, freedom of expression and faith, equality and rule of law.· that the Homeland be placed under the Central administration with a Union Territory status;and· that all the seven hundred thousand Kashmiri Hindus, including those who have been drivenout of Kashmir in the past and yearn to return to their homeland and those who were forced toleave on account of terrorist violence in Kashmir, be settled in the homeland on an equitablebasis with dignity and honor.Since the resounding success of the convention and whole-hearted endorsement of the Resolutionwhich has become the rallying point for all intellectuals, political scientists and the common manalike, Panun Kashmir has transferred into a beacon-light for the community. It has evolved into amovement symbolising the hopes, the urges and the aspirations of the community.There have been wide ranging discussions and debates amongst the political, journalistic and laycircles in the Kashmir Valley, in the State of Jammu & Kashmir and in the whole country on theHomeland demand. This demand has received great appreciation and understanding over the last oneyear from many quarters. Though a large segment of the exiled community is in full agreement withand committed to homeland there may be some who may have reservations. Being secular,nationalistic and democratic to the core, the community has the right to rationalize this idea. In t heprocess, there will be many queries and doubts about the bold concept for the repatriation of theexiles with full political, constitutional and legal guarantees. It is to answer these queries and to clearthe fog of cynicism and misunderstanding created by vested interests and the enemies of thecommunity that Panun Kashmir feels it a duty to come out with this booklet which attempts toprovide a brief outline of the genesis of the demand for a homeland, and follows it up withexplanations to the pertinent questions relevant to this demand. We hope that this booklet shallprovide some insight into the historical compulsions of the community to ask for a homeland in theValley of Kashmir. It will be our endeavour to continue this debate in the future as well, till weachieve a large measure of success in convincing all right-thinking people about the urgency,genuineness and sincerity of this demand. However, we caution the members of the community toremain vigilant against a number of divisive forces within the community and outside, who have beenactive, on their own or at the behest of the terrorists and other enemies of the community and of thecountry, at spreading canards and disinformation against the demand for a homeland; thus, raising

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